Monday, 27 January 2014


What’s in a name, really? I mean, Words have meaning and names have power. Have you ever asked yourself what’s the meaning of your sweet name???? Coz every name is real and that's the nature of names. Do you know that people’s fates are simplified by their names?  now you know!!!  David S. Slawson once said that Names are an important key to what a society values.  Anthropologists recognize naming as 'one of the chief methods for imposing order on perception.'  By the way what’s in a name? As William Shakespeare  would put it What's in a name, that which if we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. So what’s really in a name? …my name is Jacqueline and I understand it’s of a French origin. It’s the feminine form of Jacques which originated from the name Jacob. Jacob is a Hebrew name which means God protect or supplanter. Supplanter refers to a person who replaces someone or a thing of lesser value! (Mmmmh if you read the story of Jacob and Esau in the bible you will understand what I mean). Genesis chapter 25&26. Jacqueline is a very popular female first name used in many countries.
According to studies here are some of the findings I came across during my research about the name Jacqueline though I am not sure about them but some of the findings march with the people I know who own this name. I tried comparing the finding with some of my pics as Jacque,have a look :)
1.       A curvy girl who is extremely hot.

2.       Doesn't go out with men often because of self-confidence and pride. Not like most girls who have had 5 boyfriends in a three month period. 

3.      Good fashion sense and a pretty unique face is usually a quality of a girl with this name, most girls of this origin could be models. Na siringi!
posing like a model:)

4.       Very Seductive, they usually look mean from first glance but they love to have fun and laugh. True story!
"if im not laughing im sleeping"

5.      If you ever come in contact or know a Jacqueline then you’re lucky, even though no matter how hard you try, you will NEVER get one in your bed. Extremely rare.

6.       They're a good species to chase, and love the game. They know the mind of men, so be prepared to have A woman who know all your secrets, which makes it even harder to pin down. :P 

7.      They're very independent and although it may look like they dont get attention from guys, it's because they put off an ora that basically sends a signal to guys that she's not about to be played and isn't easy, that's usually when guys back off.

8.     They don't like gossiping preppy girls, although they will probably be associated with that group, they will most likely turn the tables. 

9.      Not like most girls, Jacqueline's usually like sports, and guy things, but they also have a very feminine side when they want to. See! No wonder most of you think im a tomboy!
warming up for a football match!

it feels good to act a tomboy
10.  The very rare ones are accustomed to fame and famous people. But do I say? Research  said it!
With Dr.Mich!

11.   They're exquisite and very hard to find and, if you know one start chasing. Once they realize you are, your in for a good time. Tihihi  its research si mimi!

12.  An awesome person, good all around. They are very good at giving advice and are always there. Its so true..woi I was even thinking of becoming a marriage counselor.

13.  Jacquelines are trustworthy and kind, being great friend material. Ask my friends about this! And I bet this Is what they wil tell you! she is SUCH a Jacqueline! She's so kind!
14.  One who is glorious and funOften outgoing and insanely funny. Can be quite blunt, made for the stage, and loyal.aka: perfect

Enough of self praise….but ask yourself, What does you name really say about you?? It does matter what it says! Don’t let your name define you.  Your character talks more about who you really are. There is a Proverb that says, From our ancestors come our names, but from our virtues our honors.  Make the world a better place by upholding the awesomest virtues you can have  in your life… Because “Good men must die, but death cannot kill their names..  ~Proverb. Be good for your name to remain on the lips of people. #okbye

Wednesday, 22 January 2014


I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of rain falling on my roof in the background casting crowns singing softly “ and once again I say AMEN and it’s still raining” I say Amen but I have not the slightest idea where I am, I have panicked, cried, shrieked, believed, dreamt and trusted. Yes I know and I have faith that I am not alone yet I am in despair my heart is conjoined to fear and my mind is but empty, Inside I go delving deeper and it’s scary I want to quit yet I get deeper and deeper I know within my soul that there’s light shining yet my eyes cannot see.
I been here for only forty minutes I check the clock but it feels like 4years Oh God I gasp I woke up too soon, the cock wouldn’t crow, sunshine wouldn’t flood already yes the light is on but it’s the moon’s light. Oh yes I know that its dawn and the day is breaking out yet it feels like it will never be and so I chant, I pray, I wail, I ask and seek, I hold onto the blankets I am crazy, going insane I am screaming at this hell of a world why wouldn’t morning come Oh God where are you Can’t you hear me?  Of course I know you do but God why so slow? Then I drift to sleep and I have a dream and in that dream is the most beautiful life ever, I am at the brink of my success surrounded by the people I love, I am ministering to nations, singing my heart out, signing books and speaking words of encouragement, I am going places in love, filled with so much joy and the angels are with me in every step of the way oh my name is shining in lights and I am very happy then the alarm strikes and its six o’clock in the morning, How amazing ! I rejoice for finally the light is here, what a long night that was I never thought morning would reach. Thank you Lord!

Hats Off Women

Its been a while since i wrote on this blog, i need to go back to my first love-writing. By the way  i used to write passionately, what hap...