Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Hats Off Women

Its been a while since i wrote on this blog, i need to go back to my first love-writing. By the way  i used to write passionately, what happened? I think social media happened, Kilimani mums happened, or is it Kilimani MWK zone or Kilimani Udaku zone? These groups are quite something, i thank God im no longer in them. How do the admins profit? Maybe they benefit by giving people a platform to rant and pour out their issues under a pseudo account. Have come to learn through this kind of groups that people are going through a lot and they need somewhere they can bring all the cares and burdens they are carrying. Have also learned that people also get genuine answers through this groups from strangers. A certain day a woman was in trouble, she was actually facing violence from her husband and these women rescued her, thats a positive thing that came out of these women groups, other than the gossip that happens everyday. Anyway this article is about women and the many roles they have. Women have so many tittles, a woman can be so many things at the same time. Women are  mothers, wife's, daughters, grandmother,  sisters, cousins, employers, employees, friend, student, entrepreneurs, some have side hustles, some are pastors wife's, some are in ministry heading departments, some are bosses, others are in different positions in either a chama or a welfare association among other tittles.
Women wear all these hats and they do so many things, go through so many things as well, such as cramping during their monthly periods, going through labour pain, having to deal with cruel bosses, (not all bosses are cruel though) but imagine a new mum who had a sleepless night because the baby had  colic and she didn't know what to do and stayed awake all night trying rock the baby to sleep, then tries to catch up with sleep at around four and woke up at 6 to beat the traffic jam to reach the office and then in the office she has to deal with a cruel boss and not to mention that she is cramping and also worried about  the baby who couldn't sleep the whole night and these woman still can afford a smile. This woman is a hero. Hats off to her.

Women are a great species because amid all these hats they wear they are still doing many things in the society.  My big question to women is, when you remove all the hats you wear, who are you? Do you have worries or do you act strong for your family or for your children as many say? Some women stay in abusive marriages because of the children or because they fear to be judged. Women are judged so harshly in the society. Some women especially the young generation try so much to act as if everything is okay and hide in dressing well or if you like slaying yet in their hearts they have esteem issues, they are fighting so many battles. Dear fellow woman, who are you when all the hats are off? No one is perfect, no one is without problems and no one of us has it all together. We are imperfect beings loved by a perfect God. Remove the hat and cast all the burdens and cares to God. Thats who you are when all the hats are off. God wants you to come to
Him with your hat off because to Him you are His precious Child.
Ask God to walk with you in all areas of your life, give Him your hand to walk you through motherhood, as a wife, student, sister, a friend, in business, in your work place, in your ministry among other things that you do. If you do so, you will be able to find yourself or who you truly are even with the hats off and  without your tittles.

Dear woman, start by praying and depending fully to the one who created you-God. Uplift your fellow woman in prayer, Offer them your hand, stop competing with your fellow woman, stop Gossiping or putting your fellow woman down.  Be a source of encouragement to your fellow woman. Lets keep our eyes as women fully lifted on God, and He will lead us and walk with us. These Book (The power of a praying woman) is very powerful especially for a woman who wears so many hats. Read it.

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Hats Off Women

Its been a while since i wrote on this blog, i need to go back to my first love-writing. By the way  i used to write passionately, what hap...