I woke up in the middle of the night to
the sound of rain falling on my roof in the background casting crowns
singing softly “ and once again I say AMEN and it’s still raining” I say
Amen but I have not the slightest idea where I am, I have panicked,
cried, shrieked, believed, dreamt and trusted. Yes I know and I have
faith that I am not alone yet I am in despair my heart is conjoined to
fear and my mind is but empty, Inside I go delving deeper and it’s scary
I want to quit yet I get deeper and deeper I know within my soul that
there’s light shining yet my eyes cannot see.
I been here for only forty minutes I check
the clock but it feels like 4years Oh God I gasp I woke up too soon, the
cock wouldn’t crow, sunshine wouldn’t flood already yes the light is on
but it’s the moon’s light. Oh yes I know that its dawn and the day is
breaking out yet it feels like it will never be and so I chant, I pray, I
wail, I ask and seek, I hold onto the blankets I am crazy, going insane
I am screaming at this hell of a world why wouldn’t morning come Oh God
where are you Can’t you hear me? Of course I know you do but God why
so slow? Then I drift to sleep and I have a dream and in that dream is
the most beautiful life ever, I am at the brink of my success surrounded
by the people I love, I am ministering to nations, singing my heart
out, signing books and speaking words of encouragement, I am going
places in love, filled with so much joy and the angels are with me in
every step of the way oh my name is shining in lights and I am very
happy then the alarm strikes and its six o’clock in the morning, How
amazing ! I rejoice for finally the light is here, what a long night
that was I never thought morning would reach. Thank you Lord!
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